GYROTONIC® Studio Kansas City

The GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM®, created by Juliu Horvath, uses weights, pulleys, and cams to produce a wide range of rotational movements combining elements of yoga, dance, swimming, and tai chi that strengthen the body’s core while improving the flexibility of the spine and joints. The unique movements promote increased coordination, articulation, balance, fluidity, relaxation, and power.

The GYROTONIC® method utilizes specialized equipment, including a pulley tower and a series of interconnected handles and straps, providing support and resistance during the exercises. These exercises involve flowing, circular movements that aim to elongate and strengthen the muscles while improving joint mobility and coordination.

The GYROTONIC® system is designed to work the body as a whole, focusing on integrated movements that engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously. It emphasizes spinal mobility, core strength, and breath control to create balanced and efficient movement patterns.

This exercise method suits people of various fitness levels and can be customized to meet individual needs and goals. Whether you want to improve athletic performance, rehabilitate from an injury, or enhance your overall well-being, GYROTONIC® exercise offers a holistic approach to movement and fitness.

GYROTONIC® exercise is internationally recognized as the conditioning program for dancers, athletes, rehabilitation centers, fitness enthusiasts, older adults, and children.

Regardless of age or fitness abilities, GYROTONIC® training will help you develop core strength, increase flexibility of the spine and muscular system, and improve balance and coordination.



GYROKINESIS® is a movement method developed by Juliu Horvath, the same creator of GYROTONIC®. It is a holistic exercise system that combines elements of yoga, dance, gymnastics, and Tai Chi. GYROKINESIS® exercises are performed on a mat and chair, using flowing movements and rhythmic breathing patterns to engage the entire body.

Key features and principles of GYROKINESIS® include Spinal Mobilization, Circular and Spherical Movements, Breath Coordination, Core Activation, Joint Mobilization, Mindful Movement, and Relaxation.

GYROKINESIS® classes are typically conducted in a group setting led by a certified GYROKINESIS® instructor. The method can be adapted to accommodate individuals of different fitness levels and age groups. It offers a gentle yet effective way to improve flexibility, strength, balance, and overall well-being through fluid and dynamic movements.

GYROTONIC® Specialized Equipment


  • The GYROTONIC® Pulley Tower is a specialized equipment used in GYROTONIC® exercise methodology. It comprises a tower structure with various attachments, including pulleys, handles, and straps. The pulley tower is designed to support multiple movement patterns and exercises that facilitate full-body conditioning, flexibility, and strength development. It allows for smooth, flowing movements in multiple planes, providing resistance and assistance as needed. The adjustable settings of the pulley tower make it adaptable to different body types and fitness levels, making it a versatile tool for GYROTONIC® practitioners.

  • The GYROTONIC® Pulley Tower offers several benefits for individuals practicing GYROTONIC® exercises. Here are some of its key advantages:

    1. Improved Flexibility: The pulley tower facilitates elongation and expansion of the body, promoting increased flexibility and range of motion.

    2. Whole-Body Conditioning: By utilizing the pulley system and various attachments, the pulley tower provides resistance and assistance to different muscle groups, resulting in overall body conditioning and strength development.

    3. Enhanced Core Strength: The pulley tower exercises emphasize core engagement, helping to strengthen the abdominal and back muscles and improving stability and posture.

    4. Joint Mobilization: The gentle, fluid movements performed on the pulley tower promote joint mobilization and relieve joint stiffness, contributing to improved joint health and flexibility.

    5. Body Awareness and Alignment: The pulley tower exercises emphasize body awareness and proper alignment, helping individuals better understand their movement patterns and postural habits.

    6. Stress Relief and Mind-Body Connection: The rhythmic and flowing nature of the pulley tower exercises can have a calming effect, promoting relaxation and stress reduction. It also fosters a mind-body connection by encouraging focus and mindfulness during the movements.

    These benefits make the GYROTONIC® Pulley Tower a valuable tool for individuals seeking a holistic approach to movement, strength, and overall well-being.


  • The Gyrotonic Jump Stretch Board is another specialized equipment used in GYROTONIC® exercise methodology. It is a versatile apparatus designed to support various movements and exercises focusing on strength, flexibility, and coordination. The Jump Stretch Board consists of a sliding platform with adjustable foot straps and handles for stabilization.

  • The Jump Stretch Board offers several benefits and features:

    1. Vertical and Horizontal Movement: The board allows for both vertical and horizontal movements, providing a range of exercise possibilities to target different muscle groups and movement patterns.

    2. Resistance and Assistance: The adjustable foot straps and handles on the Jump Stretch Board offer resistance and assistance to support individuals at different fitness levels and customize the exercise's intensity.

    3. Core Strengthening: By performing exercises on the Jump Stretch Board, individuals engage their core muscles to stabilize and control their movements, leading to improved core strength and stability.

    4. Lower Body Conditioning: The Jump Stretch Board exercises target the lower body, including the legs, hips, and glutes, promoting strength, flexibility, and overall lower body conditioning.

    5. Joint-Friendly Movement: The sliding platform of the Jump Stretch Board allows for smooth, low-impact movements that are gentle on the joints, making it suitable for individuals with joint sensitivities or limitations.

    6. Balance and Coordination: The Jump Stretch Board challenges balance and coordination as individuals perform exercises while maintaining stability on the sliding platform.

    The Gyrotonic Jump Stretch Board offers a dynamic and engaging workout experience, combining strength, flexibility, and coordination training in a versatile apparatus. It is commonly used in GYROTONIC® studios under the guidance of a certified instructor.


  • The Gyrotoner is another specialized piece of equipment used in GYROTONIC® exercise methodology. It utilizes a cam system for the upper and lower body in 360 degrees. It is a unique apparatus designed to facilitate specific movements and exercises that promote strength, flexibility, and coordination.

  • The Gyrotoner facilitates hip and shoulder articulation in a myriad of different planes. It is an instrumental piece of equipment for mobilizing the thoracic spine and for coordinating hip and shoulder movements with the spine.


  • The Gyrotonic Ladder is a specialized piece of equipment used in the GYROTONIC® exercise methodology. It has a ladder-like structure with rungs or bars, various attachments, and adjustable components. The ladder supports multiple exercises and movements that enhance strength, flexibility, coordination, and body awareness.

  • Key features and benefits of the Gyrotonic Ladder include:

    1. Vertical Movement: The ladder allows for vertical movements, such as climbing, hanging, and reaching, which engage different muscle groups and promote overall body conditioning.

    2. Core Strengthening: Many exercises on the ladder require core engagement and stability, helping to strengthen the abdominal and back muscles and improve posture.

    3. Upper Body Conditioning: The ladder exercises focus on the upper body, including the arms, shoulders, and upper back. They help to develop upper body strength, flexibility, and coordination.

    4. Spinal Mobilization: The ladder supports movements that facilitate spinal articulation, elongation, and rotation, promoting improved spinal mobility and flexibility.

    5. Balance and Coordination: The ladder challenges balance and coordination as individuals navigate the rungs, perform exercises while maintaining stability, and coordinate their movements.

    6. Customizable Adjustments: The ladder features adjustable components such as handlebars, ropes, and pulleys, allowing for customization based on individual needs, body proportions, and exercise requirements.

    The Gyrotonic Ladder offers a versatile and dynamic exercise experience within the GYROTONIC® method. It is typically used under the guidance of a certified GYROTONIC® instructor to ensure proper technique and safety.


  • The practice of GYROTONIC® exerciseS offers several benefits, including improved flexibility, increased strength and coordination, enhanced posture and body alignment, reduced tension and stress, and improved overall body awareness and well-being. It is a holistic approach to movement that focuses on engaging the entire body, promoting fluidity, and creating a balanced, energized state.

  • GYROTONIC® exercises can be adapted to accommodate individuals of various fitness levels and ages. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced athlete, GYROTONIC® can be tailored to meet your specific needs and abilities. The exercises are designed to be gentle on the joints while providing a challenging workout. It is always advisable to consult with a qualified GYROTONIC® instructor who can guide you and customize the exercises based on your requirements.

  • The frequency of GYROTONIC® practice can vary depending on your goals, schedule, and overall fitness level. Ideally, it is recommended to practice GYROTONIC® exercises at least two to three times a week to experience noticeable benefits. Consistency is critical to building strength, improving flexibility, and enhancing body awareness. However, it's essential to listen to your body and avoid overexertion. It is best to consult with a certified GYROTONIC® instructor who can provide personalized guidance on the appropriate frequency of practice based on your individual needs.

  • Yes, GYROTONIC® exercises can be beneficial for pain management and injury rehabilitation. The gentle, flowing movements of GYROTONIC® can help improve circulation, increase flexibility, and strengthen muscles, which can aid in the recovery process. Many individuals have found relief from chronic pain conditions, such as back pain or joint discomfort, through regular GYROTONIC® practice. However, it is crucial to consult with a qualified GYROTONIC® instructor and, if necessary, a healthcare professional to ensure the exercises are tailored to your specific needs and condition. They can provide appropriate modifications and guidance to support your rehabilitation journey.

  • The time it takes to see results from practicing GYROTONIC® can vary depending on several factors, including your current fitness level, frequency of practice, and individual goals. Some individuals may start noticing improvements in flexibility, posture, and overall body awareness after just a few sessions, while others may require more time. Consistent practice and dedication are key to achieving optimal results. With regular GYROTONIC® sessions, typically two to three times a week, along with proper form and technique, you can expect to see positive changes in strength, flexibility, coordination, and overall well-being within a few weeks to a few months. It's important to remember that everyone's progress is unique, and focusing on the journey rather than the timeline is crucial for long-term benefits.