Mastering Push-Up Technique

Optimizing Your Form

Welcome to Lush Living! Today, let's delve into the art of mastering push-ups for maximum results. Push-ups, a cornerstone of upper body strength training, demand proper technique to avoid strain and ensure muscle engagement. Let's break down the key components step by step:

1. Hand Position Matters

Begin with spreading your hands like a starfish. Ensure your middle finger points vertically and your thumbs angle inward. Widen your palms for optimal weight distribution, reducing wrist strain.

2. Setting Up Shoulders and Elbows

Align your hands shoulder-width apart. Visualize the width by flexing your arms alongside your body before placing your hands down. Relax your shoulders while straightening your elbows, keeping them soft.

3. Shoulder Blade Engagement

Perform shoulder blade push-ups by retracting the blades and spreading them apart. This action stabilizes your shoulder girdle and enhances muscle engagement during push-ups.

4. Controlled Descent and Ascent

Maintain your shoulder blade spread as you bend your elbows and descend. Avoid collapsing your shoulder blades together. Push away without fully straightening your arms at the top.

5. Plank Variation

Incorporate shoulder blade engagement into plank positions. As you descend and push up, focus on keeping your shoulder blades spread and preventing them from pinching together.

6. Quality Over Quantity

Prioritize controlled push-ups with proper form over high repetitions. Aim for quality engagement and muscle activation with each repetition.

7. Reap the Benefits

Mastering the push-up technique enhances upper body strength and core stability while minimizing joint strain. Strive for controlled, effective push-ups for maximum benefits.

Remember, mastering push-ups requires practice and patience. Check out our REboot Program for comprehensive guidance on push-up techniques and more. Happy training!


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