Building a Better Bum in One Day: Part 2

Unveiling Simple Strategies

Welcome back to Lush Living! In this continuation of our series, we'll explore the second and third strategies to enhance your glutes effortlessly within a day. These techniques might amaze you with their simplicity and effectiveness. No extra gym time is required!

  1. Walk for Glute Activation

Walking, a seemingly ordinary activity can be pivotal in building a better bum. How you walk matters. Proper walking allows your legs to extend slightly behind your hips with each step, effectively engaging your glutes. However, if you tend to sit for prolonged periods, your hip muscles might become tight, hindering full leg extension during walking.

The Solution: Opt for walks on varied terrains to maximize glute activation. Natural, uneven surfaces challenge your feet, ankles, and, consequently, your glutes. Also, choose footwear with minimal or no rise heels. Check out Lush Living's YouTube channel for glute-specific videos like "Happy Hips" and "Total Body Strength."

2. The Power of Floor Sitting

Embraced by the natural movement community, floor sitting can transform your glute strength. Challenge yourself to sit on the floor regularly instead of traditional furniture. Transitioning from the floor to standing involves movements akin to squats and lunges, fantastic exercises for glutes.

If sitting on the floor isn't feasible, modify your approach. Lower your chair's height or create a gradual progression using bolsters or pillows. Focus on using your leg strength to rise from the seat, effectively engaging your glutes.

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  • Weekly Newsletter: Join our email list for exclusive content like this post. Visit to sign up.

  • Weekly Video: Access a full video of Katy's group class every week, complementing your journey to a better bum.

  • Lush Living YouTube Channel: Explore our free videos, including "Happy Hips" and "Stork Stand" for targeted glute exercises.

Connect with Katy Lush on Facebook and Instagram (@thekatylush) for valuable tips, reminders, and engagement.

Exciting News: Post-Easter, we're launching a 21-day sugar detox with the REboot program. Join us on a transformative journey towards a healthier, glute-enhanced summer!

Remember, building a better bum is achievable through simple adjustments in daily habits. Stay tuned for more from Lush Living, and let's continue striving for a healthier, stronger you.


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How to Build a Better Bum in One Day: Part 1