Lush Living — Pilates & GYROTONIC® Studio Kansas City

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How to Build a Better Bum in One Day: Part 1

Meet Katy Lush, Your Movement Guide

Welcome to Lush Living, your go-to source for movement insights and tips. With two decades of experience in Pilates, GYROTONIC®, and Restorative Exercise, Katy Lush is your guide to enhancing your health through movement. Today, we're diving into three surprisingly simple ways to build a better bum in just one day. No extra gym time is needed – let's discover how to strengthen those glutes!

1. The Footwear Factor: Mobilize Your Glutes from the Ground Up

The connection between your feet and glutes might not be immediately obvious, but Katy reveals a game-changing insight. Footwear matters! Discover why opting for minimal footwear and embracing uneven terrains can lead to more engaged glutes. Learn how the right shoe choices can trigger a chain reaction of muscle activation, starting from the bottom and working its way up.

2. Movement Variation: Breathe Life into Your Glutes

Sitting for extended periods takes a toll on your glutes. Katy illustrates how movement variation combats this sedentary impact. Uncover the significance of introducing diverse activities throughout your day. Explore the dynamic relationship between movement habits and muscle engagement, all contributing to sculpting a firmer bum.

3. Unlocking Hip Mobility: Enhance Glute Activation

Hip mobility is a key player in glute activation. Katy guides you through understanding the intricate connection between your hips and glutes. Learn how unlocking hip mobility translates to enhanced glute engagement. With Katy's insights, you'll see how mindful movement and strategic adjustments can pave the way for a better bum.

Stay Tuned for Part 2

As Katy unveils the first three ways to build a better bum in just one day, keep an eye out for Part 2 of this series, where she'll reveal the remaining techniques. Whether you're striving for aesthetic enhancement or seeking relief from discomfort, these strategies promise to make a meaningful difference. Stay connected to Lush Living for more movement wisdom and transformative insights. Your journey to a better bum starts here!

Don't forget to check out Part 2 to discover the remaining techniques for building a better bum in just one day!