Drug-Free Ways to Calm Anxiety
Today's topic is drug-free ways to calm anxiety.
Simple Techniques for a Serene Mind
As we navigate through the hustle and bustle of the holidays and set our New Year's resolutions, anxiety often finds its way into our lives. But fear not, for I'm here to share some easy and drug-free tricks to calm your nervous system and soothe those anxious feelings.
1. Box Breathing: Find Your Calm
Box breathing, a method my son learned at school, has proven effective in calming anxiety. It's as simple as it sounds. Here's how you do it:
Breathe in for a count of five.
Hold your breath for a count of five.
Breathe out for a count of five.
Hold for another count of five.
Repeating this process for a few cycles can work wonders in helping you regain your composure and alleviate anxiety. Box breathing is an excellent tool to keep in your anxiety-fighting arsenal.
2. Iliacus Release: Relieve Tension
To perform the Iliacus Release, you'll need a half-foam roller or a pillow. Lie down on your back with the round side up and the flat side down. Place the half-foam roller or pillow under your bottom, closer to your feet. This setup rounds out your lower back, bringing it closer to the floor.
The key is to locate that sweet spot just at the base of your tailbone. You'll want to stay there without sliding down towards your head. While in this position, practice your box breathing. This not only helps to relieve tension in the iliacus muscle, a common source of stress-related tension in the lower back, but also creates a sense of relaxation in your body, effectively calming anxiety without needing medication.
Don't have a half-foam roller? No problem. A pillow can work as a substitute.
Psoas Release
3. Psoas Release: Soothe Your Upper Body
The Psoas Release is another fantastic exercise to calm anxiety. Here's how you can do it:
Grab a bolster or a couple of pillows.
Place them behind you so that your shoulder blades rest on the edge.
Use another pillow or object to support your head.
Extend your legs straight.
This position, resembling a gentle hammock, primarily focuses on your upper body. Ensure the backs of your legs are in contact with the ground. Experiment with your props to find the ideal spot, as if you're in a mini sit-up. From there, simply breathe, and if you like, incorporate the box breathing technique.
These three drug-free techniques can be your allies in the battle against anxiety. Devoting just a few minutes to these exercises can provide significant relief and a sense of calm. Give them a try and see how they work for you. If you have any questions or insights, feel free to share in the comments. Let's stay calm and anxiety-free together!