How to Combat an Ocular Migraine
I’m going to talk about the ocular migraine that I experienced yesterday.
I was cleaning the house and doing laundry, and when I looked down at my phone, it felt like a light bulb flash went off. I couldn't see the screen very well and figure out if it reflected the phone or what. Then all of a sudden, I was like, “Oh no, here it comes!”
The first thing I do is mainline caffeine and hydrating fluids. I had made some green tea that morning and guzzled it quickly. Next, I took a 32-ounce cup of water, squeezed an entire lemon, and chugged it.
Afterward, take an eye pillow or rice bag and lay down in a psoas release position. Taking the brick and half foam roller props from my workout kit, place the brick in a toaster position under your head and the half foam roller flat side up under your shoulders, legs extended. I placed the rice pillow over my eyes to rest, down-regulate my body, and breathe into the light. I just hung out here for as long as I could until I felt like that flash had dissipated from my field of vision.
Psoas release rest position
3. I added my bedtime eye exercises. Without turning your face, look to the right and hold. Either count to 10 or wait until your body calms down. Repeat to the left. Interestingly, when I would look to the right, I would feel more nauseous; when I would look to the left, it would make me feel less nauseous.
Ultimately, you have to ride the wave. After it spread out of my field of vision, I lay down in my dark bedroom and kept drinking fluids. I did some more eye exercises, which made me feel nauseous when I was looking right, so I wasn't doing much of that. And then I just rested. I think that was the best thing I could have done. Last night I took a magnesium bath because, assuming my electrolytes were off, I figured that would help. And then I went to bed early. Oh, and I wore my blue blocking glasses almost all day—just anything to keep my vision softened and dulled. Today I feel pretty good.
I scheduled a massage yesterday because I figured I would need it today. It felt good, and I got a steam shower afterward. That was perfect. My physical therapist highly recommended liquid IV powder. We found them at Costco, so I will take two a day for the next five days to ensure that I'm not dehydrated, which probably constituted part of the migraine. Also, I'm taking some extra vitamin C.
I will keep taking care of my body and being kind and gentle to it. Last week, I was dealing with back pain, and that didn't feel good, and my digestion was off. It was just everything. I think this week will be a little extra self-care.
If you have ocular migraines and have other remedies let me know. Somebody told me about hot peppers, which I would not recommend because I'm supposed to avoid nightshades, and peppers are nightshades. Is it because your brain is distracted because your mouth is so hot?
That's my plan of attack for as soon as I feel one coming on…I caffeinate, hydrate, close my eyes, and put something with pressure on my eyes. And if you take medication for migraines, obviously take them. Let me know if you have any questions!