Lush Living — Pilates & GYROTONIC® Studio Kansas City

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Adaptation: Part 2

Mastering Hip Hinging: A Key to Relieving Low Back Pain

Do you find yourself plagued by low back pain? Does it seem to strike whenever you pick something up off the floor or bend down? The culprit might be a simple movement pattern that most of us take for granted: hip hinging. In this article, we'll explore the concept of hip hinging, its significance, and how it could be the key to alleviating your low back discomfort.

The Sitting Dilemma:

Sitting has become a staple of modern life. From workstations to commutes and leisure time, many of us spend a significant portion of our day in a seated position. But this sedentary lifestyle can have unforeseen consequences, including difficulty with hip hinging.

Understanding Hip Hinging:

Hip hinging is a fundamental movement pattern that involves bending at the hips while keeping the spine straight. It might sound straightforward, but it's surprisingly challenging to execute correctly. The primary issue arises from the tightness of the hamstrings caused by prolonged sitting. This tightness can lead to a compensatory movement—bending at the waist instead of hinging at the hips.

The Low Back Connection:

When you consistently bend at the waist instead of the hips, you're putting unnecessary stress on your lower back. The lumbar spine, which is not designed for excessive flexion, takes the brunt of this stress. Over time, this can lead to discomfort, pain, and even chronic low back issues.

Unlocking Hip Hinging:

To relieve and prevent low back pain, practicing proper hip hinging is crucial. The technique involves initiating the movement from the hips, allowing them to lead the way while maintaining a neutral spine. This simple adjustment can distribute the force evenly across your body and spare your lower back from unnecessary strain.

Incorporating Hip Hinging:

The best part about mastering hip hinging is that it's a skill you can use daily. Whether picking up an object from the floor, tying your shoelaces, or even straightening up, consciously engage your hip hinge. It might initially feel unfamiliar, but it will become second nature with practice.

Seeking Guidance:

If you're unsure how to execute a proper hip hinge, resources are available to help. Consider enrolling in a program like REboot, which offers tutorials on essential movement patterns. Alternatively, you can schedule a virtual or private session to receive personalized guidance.

Your journey to a pain-free back begins with understanding and mastering hip hinging. By breaking the habit of bending at the waist and embracing the hip hinge, you can spare your lower back from unnecessary stress and discomfort. Remember, small changes in your movement patterns can significantly improve your overall well-being.