4 Tips To Alleviate Shin Splints

How to Alleviate and Prevent Shin Splints: Strategies for Comfort and Relief

Hello there! Today, let's dive into a topic that's been popping up lately—shin splints. Recently, I had three clients complaining about shin splints, and it got me wondering, why the sudden increase? Join me as we explore possible causes, effective relief strategies, and preventive measures to keep shin splints at bay.

The Coinciding Factors: Change of Season and Increased Activity

As the weather warms up and people emerge from winter hibernation, changes in footwear and activity levels might contribute to the surge in shin splint cases. With more outdoor movement and different shoe choices, our feet and ankles can face new challenges that may lead to discomfort.

Understanding Shin Splints: Causes and Symptoms

Shin splints often occur due to stress placed on the front part of the shin, resulting in inflammation and discomfort. Activities like uphill walking, running, and jumping can trigger shin splints when our foot and ankle aren't accustomed to the movements or force generated.

Relief Strategies: Easing Shin Splint Pain

Here are two effective strategies to alleviate shin splint pain:

  1. Gentle Stretching Technique: Position yourself on a stack of pillows or a yoga block, sitting on your heels with your feet pointed. This gentle stretch targets the front of the shin, providing relief to strained muscles.

  2. Self-Massage with Balls: Use Yoga Tune Up balls or any tennis-type ball to massage your shins. Place the balls under your shin, close to the knee, and roll up and down, applying gentle pressure to the inflamed area.

Preventive Measures: Avoiding Future Shin Splints

Preventing shin splints involves addressing the root causes and retraining your feet and ankles. Consider these preventive steps:

  1. Footwear Choice: Opt for minimal shoes to encourage natural movement and prevent excessive downhill walking, which can lead to shin splints.

  2. Calf Stretch: Regularly stretch your calf muscles using a half-foam roller or rolled-up yoga mat. This helps balance the strain caused by downhill walking and encourages your tissues to adapt to uphill movement.

  3. Double Calf Stretch: Lean forward with both feet on the half foam roller to intensify the calf stretch, simultaneously engaging your hamstrings.

  4. Soleus or Achilles Stretch: Micro bend your knees during the calf stretch to mimic uphill walking, creating pressure in the front of the ankle and shin.

Relief and Prevention Hand in Hand

By understanding the causes of shin splints and implementing these relief and preventive strategies, you can find comfort and reduce the likelihood of experiencing shin splints in the future. Remember, caring for your feet and ankles is essential for overall well-being and pain-free movement.

For more insights and exercise videos, follow Lush Living on Facebook @lushlivingbykaty or Instagram @katylushliving. You can also visit KatyLush.com and subscribe to our newsletter to receive valuable tips and resources directly to your inbox. Stay active, stay healthy, and keep shin splints away!


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